Over the past year, a friend of mine has been working on a social venture that helps farmers on the continent growing food on about a football field worth of land generate the income they need to improve the quality of their lives. These farmers make up 3/4 of the worlds poorest people and they've designed technologies and a process that can change that, starting with processing seeds from a miraculous tree called moringa. His team is in the IDEAS Competition and with your votes they could win $1500 toward their work this summer. Please check out their project, MoringaConnect, and vote for us:
1) Go to the MoringaConnect team profile: http://globalchallenge.mit.edu/teams/view/354
2) In the top right corner of the page, click login with MIT Certificate or register here (MIT IDEAS won't spam you)
3) Click Vote!
You have 3 votes so check out other projects and show them some love too.
4) Please like their facebook page and pub us on your timelines and in your networks! Voting closes on Monday so spread the word as much as you can for my team and I.